125 Years of GWF: An Exciting History (Part 3)

The 1930s were also marked by the global economic crisis in Switzerland. International payment systems collapsed, and many companies found themselves in financial distress, including GWF. Initially, GWF launched innovative gas meters known for their precision even under overload. However, as established relationships with German partners and suppliers became strained and ultimately severed, the company had to reinvent itself yet again. GWF began producing cooking boxes and watering cans made from old gas meters and introduced a postage meter and gas-heated water heaters to the market. Due to ongoing economic hardships, however, GWF had to sell off manufacturing facilities by the late 1930s.
During World War II, the company managed to continue operations despite shortages of raw materials and collapsing markets. Focusing on its own metalworking capabilities, GWF produced simple components and equipment for water and energy supplies. In the 1940s, significant changes in Switzerland’s water market began to emerge: while water meters had previously been purchased mainly by municipalities and utilities, individual households now increasingly required metered water connections. In collaboration with Zurich’s water utility, GWF developed a custom water meter to meet the new requirements of household supply. This innovation greatly strengthened GWF’s market position and presented an opportunity to again focus on complex technologies. The company explored partnerships to manufacture air flow meters and even considered establishing new production facilities in Zurich.
The dark times in Europe nearly brought GWF to an end, but thanks to the ingenuity of the responsible team in Lucerne, the company survived. On November 26, 1949, GWF celebrated its 50th anniversary. During the celebration speech, management reflected on the seemingly insurmountable challenges of the past years and expressed deep gratitude to the employees who had all contributed to the company’s survival.
Even today, we find ourselves in challenging times—and looking back reminds us of what truly matters in overcoming these: a great team, good ideas, partnerships, and a “bias for action.”